Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Transcendent Demand For Equal Cultural Representation

The transcendent demand for equal cultural representation in America can no longer remain unrecognized. Citizens are infuriated with public school systems, demanding more diversity in the curriculum. Unfortunately, any attempt to expand public knowledge of multiculturalism in the past has always ended with a cry from white privileged cis males falsely claiming multiculturally focused curriculum disparages American literacy. In 1987, with the (somewhat) arrival of cultural representation in education, an English professor by the name of E.D Hirsch Jr. published a list of common cultural vocabulary that he argued every American should recognize. The volume severely lacked diversity, causing Hirsch to receive an overwhelming amount of condemnation for his definition of fundamental American culture. In 2015, a journalist by the name of Eric Liu provided a second attempt to defining common cultural literacy in an article titled What Every American Should Know. Liu suggested expanding Hirs ch’s pre-existing common cultural vocabulary with a compilation of influential, multicultural people, places, and events. Once the list has evolved into a canon of diversity, America must then ingrain the vocabulary throughout the educational networkings, developing a true definition of American literacy. Creating such a vast, multifarious list to teach America’s youth is undeniably challenging, however it is most definitely accomplishable and will extremely benefit our nation. PassionatelyShow MoreRelated Native Peoples of Canada Essay3155 Words   |  13 Pagesmissionaries at this time, that some existing qualities were perceived. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

A Framework Of An Action Plan - 1073 Words

Literature Review This section addresses various case studies regarding the importance role of education, policies, incentive programs in motivating sustainable consumption all over the world. The aim of this paper is to design a framework of an action plan to promote and motivate sustainable consumption in Saudi Arabia. Also, the current study focuses on the role of education, incentives, and policies that help in changing the current unsustainable consumption patterns. The United Nations Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability recently wrote that â€Å"sustainable development is not a destination, but a dynamic process of adaptation, learning and action. It is about recognising, understanding and acting on inter-†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, the survey results show that the three crucial environmental issues in Saudi are: the congestion problem and transportation systems, solid waste, and inefficient use of water and energy. 2. A Portuguese Case Study in Ownership and Regulation According to a study conducted in the Portuguese region of Madeira, the study aims to find out to what extent water bills service is educating and encouraging consumers about the importance of consuming water sustainably and inform them with water shortage issues. A questionnaire was distributed to 386 households in the Madeira Region. The results show that water bills are lack of educational information. Also, the results suggest that redesigning the water bills may have a positive change in the consumption behaviour. The majority of domestic users have an incomplete perception about the items included in the bills. On the other hand, a small group of the participants is aware of the amount of water they are consuming and how much money they are paying for the service. This small group is more conscious in adopting environmentally-friendly behaviour and more sustainable consumption. 3. Rural Residents in China The study aims to discover the factors that affect the rural residents, environmental knowledge, environmental responsibility, perceived behavioural control, response efficacy, environmental sensitivity and also the contextual factors. The studyShow MoreRelatedManagement Of Equality And Diversity1117 Words   |  5 Pagesthe implementation of the University’s launch of the Equality Diversity Framework. The observation includes suggested actions and a timeframe on areas where I could influence or have responsibility and authority to change. The University implementation plan was to deliver the strategy through the development of a strategic equality and diversity framework that enables it to: †¢ Develop a long-term vision and action plan for the University on its priorities and objectives in the area of equalityRead MoreThe Plan Of An Insurance Policy1496 Words   |  6 Pagesway to help maintain the risk of cyber attacks at an acceptable level. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Communication Performative Pedagogy

Question: Discuss about theCommunicationfor Performative Pedagogy. Answer: From: To: CC: Subject: Development of new programs for development Dear Volunteers, It is to inform you that Singapore AIDS Network (SAN) is very grateful for your cordial cooperation and help in order to meet the organizational goals of the company. The company is gradually developing itself by helping large number of patients that are suffering from HIV positive symptoms. In Singapore, Singapore AIDS Network (SAN) is considered as one of the most developing non-government organizations of Singapore that is focused on advocating the HIV positive AIDS patients. The target of the organization is to reduce the number of patients suffering from AIDS and to take effective measures. The organization is committed to fight over the HIV disease in Singapore. The volunteers of the company is focused on building a strong network that constitutes various experienced professionals of advocates, volunteers, healthcare units, educators in order to implement various types treatment, testing, education and various other welfare programs (Singh et al., 2015). The executive director and the other Board Members are thankful to all the partners, investors and the volunteers involved with the company for helping the organization to reach its zenith of success in Singapore. it is for your entire cooperation and innovative ideas that has helped the organization to reach the target mentioned in the organizational goals. However, it is to inform you, Singapore AIDS Network (SAN) is trying to develop a program that not only focuses towards the HIV positive affected patients of Singapore, but also to the entire country. The experts of the organization are planning to formulate education and welfare programs to the national level. The directors and other senior management of Singapore AIDS Network are about to introduce many welfare and educational programs that will teach the public of the country how to avoid AIDS and many other family planning options. The programs will focus on zero new infection via education, zero deaths via support and care, zero discrimination and stigma through advocacy, etc (Altman, 2013). The company for the target patients formulates these new sets of programs and trainings across the entire country. Initially, it will be a program to work in a national level as the organization is focused within the boundaries of Singapore only. Apart from that, the existing programs of the company need some development. They are the core programs for the organization. During commencing new programs, the old programs must not be ignored. Developments of the old programs are required so t hat they can help in fulfilling the goals of the organization. Besides this, the support and care department has to be expanded. When the company is expanding, more patients will be associated with it (Cahill et al., 2015). Hence, there is a need of development of the care and support department of the company. It is to remind you that until now Singapore AIDS Network (SAN) has helped over 800 patients suffering from HIV positive. The SANs program until now supported many HIV affected patients have seen developments in improving the condition of HIV affected person along with lower drop rate of persons being infected by the disease (Seloilwe et al., 2015). The youth engagement program of SAN is the most active program that helps in collecting more number of volunteers to the organization. It also helps in spreading the general awareness of the disease along with methods and approaches to lead a healthy life. This section includes many educational programs that consist of general awareness program. The organization has reached beyond its commitment towards its organizational goals in the community. It is seen that the company has gained much reputation in the market (Malekinejad et al., 2015). It is a positive aspect of Singapore ADS Network (SAN) that will help the organization in collectin g funds and revenues from different types of partners and healthcare professionals. The existing volunteers and other partners are requested to pay heed about this matter deeply so that SAN can accomplish the goals set for the national level. The company wishes to increase its number of sources of fund collections. It is a huge operation. To conduct it throughout the country financial help is required. SAN is dependent on government grants as well as public donations (Pickles, King Belan 2012). It is to be informed that the organization wishes to increase its number of volunteers and amount of public donations in order to reach the zenith of success to spread its branch of operations in the entire branch. Your cordial response and cooperation is required while formulating the new programs at the national level. Thanking You, Best Regards Name of the communication manager (Communication Manager of Singapore AIDS Network) References Altman, D. (2013).Power Community. Routledge. Cahill, H., Coffey, J., Beadle, S. (2015). Performative Pedagogy: Poststructural Theory as a Tool to Engage in Identity Work Within a Youth-Led HIV Prevention Program.Handbook of Children and Youth Studies, 301-314. Malekinejad, M., Mohraz, M., Razani, N., Akbari, G., McFarland, W., Khairandish, P., Rutherford, G. W. (2015). High HIV prevalence in a respondent-driven sampling survey of injection drug users in Tehran, Iran.AIDS and Behavior,19(3), 440-449. Pickles, D., King, L., Belan, I. (2012). Undergraduate nursing student's attitudes towards caring for people with HIV/AIDS.Nurse education today,32(1), 15-20. Seloilwe, E. S., Magowe, M. M., Dithole, K., St Lawrence, J. S. (2015). Parent and youth communication patterns on HIV and AIDS, STIs and sexual matters: Opportunities and challenges.Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior,2015. Singh, G. K., Azuine, R. E., Siahpush, M. (2015). Global inequalities in cervical cancer incidence and mortality are linked to deprivation, low socioeconomic status, and human development.International Journal of MCH and AIDS (IJMA),1(1), 17-30.